Make Feature

GNU Make support.


The Make Feature feature is required, and enabled by default.

To get a handle to the MakeConfig instance, you can:

from medikit import require

make = require('make')

Currently, this feature is required for medikit to work.

Makefile generation and management is quite central to medikit, and it’s one of the strongest opinionated choices made by the tool.


Makefile will be overriden on each medikit update run! See below how to customize it.

Everything out of the project’s world is managed by a single, central Makefile, that contains all the external entrypoints to your package.

By default, it only contains the following targets (a.k.a “tasks”):

  • install
  • install-dev
  • update
  • update-requirements

This is highly extendable, and about all other features will add their own targets using listeners to the MakeConfig.on_generate event.

Default targets


The make install command will try its best to install your package in your current system environment. For python projects, it work with the system python, but you’re highly encouraged to use a virtual environment (using virtualenv or venv module).

$ make install

Install Dev

The make install-dev command works like make install, but adds the dev extra.

The dev extra is a convention medikit takes to group all dependencies that are only required to actual hack on your project, and that won’t be necessary in production / runtime environments.

For python projects, it maps to an “extra”, as defined by setuptools. For Node.js projects, it will use the “devDependencies”.

$ make install-dev


This is a shortcut to medikit update, with a preliminary dependency check on medikit.

As you may have noticed, medikit is never added as a dependency to your project, so this task will ensure it’s installed before running.

$ make update

Update Requirements

The make update-requirements command works like make update, but forces the regeneration of requirements*.txt files.

For security reasons, medikit never updates your requirements if they are already frozen in requirements files (you would not want a requirement to increment version without notice).

This task is here so you can explicitely update your requirements frozen versions, according to the constraints you defined in the Projectfile.

$ make update-requirements

Customize your Makefile

To customize the generated Makefile, you can use the same event mechanism that is used by medikit features, directly from within your Projectfile.

Add a target

from medikit import listen

def on_make_generate(event):
    event.makefile.add_target('foo', '''
            echo "Foo!"
        ''', deps=('install', ), phony=True, doc='So foo...'

This is pretty self-explanatory, but let's detail:

* "foo" is the target name (you'll be able to run `make foo`)
* This target will run `echo "Foo!"`
* It depends on the `install` target, that needs to be satisfied (install being "phony", it will be run
  every time).
* This task is "phony", meaning that there will be no `foo` file or directory generated as the output, and thus
  that `make` should consider it's never outdated.
* If you create non phony targets, they must result in a matching file or directory created.
* Read more about GNU Make:

Change the dependencies of an existing target

from medikit import listen

def on_make_generate(event):
    event.makefile.set_seps('foo', ('install-dev', ))

Add (or override) a variable

from medikit import listen

def on_make_generate(event):
    event.makefile['FOO'] = 'Bar'

The user can override Makefile variables using your system environment:

$ FOO=loremipsum make foo

To avoid this default behaviour (which is more than ok most of the time), you can change the assignment operator used in the makefile.

from medikit import listen

def on_make_generate(event):
    event.makefile.set_assignment_operator('FOO', ':=')

This is an advanced feature you’ll probably never need. You can read the make variables reference.


class medikit.feature.make.MakeFeature(dispatcher)[source]

alias of medikit.feature.make.config.MakeConfig

Parameters:event (ProjectEvent) –

Listens to medikit.on_start event (priority: -80)