.. This file is auto-generated (see bin/generate_apidoc.py), do not change it manually, your changes would be overriden. Django Feature ============== .. automodule:: medikit.feature.django Usage ::::: To use the Django Feature, make sure your **Projectfile** contains the following: .. code-block:: python from medikit import require django = require('django') The `django` handle is a :class:`DjangoConfig` instance, and can be used to customize the feature. This will add a few items to your Makefile, and ensure a minimalistic django project structure is available. By default, it will use Django ~=2.0,<2.2, but you can tune that: .. code-block:: python django.version = '~=2.0.3' This feature will also add or extend a "prod" python extra, that will install gunicorn. Configuration ::::::::::::: .. autoclass:: DjangoConfig :members: :undoc-members: Implementation :::::::::::::: .. autoclass:: DjangoFeature :members: :undoc-members: